Lovely. We're eating raspberries in the garden - they never make it into the house. I'm spending my time working and writing our youngest who is currently at BMT at Lackland AFB in Texas, and counting down the days until graduation.

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Oh, freshly picked raspberries! Yum. Congrats to your youngest in soon accomplishing his first big step!

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I've read this too close to dinner time--it all sounds delicious!

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Oops! Haha. Yes I’m with you on that! My new plan is to make the zucchini bread tomorrow late afternoon, as she recommends leaving it in the pan, uncovered all night after baking, and eating it the next morning. Unusual! Can’t wait to try!

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Oh, that does sound interesting! Zucchini bread is one of my favorites!

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Ohh, can't wait to see those lovely gold napkins!

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Eeek! I can’t wait either!

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